- 2003
- July, 2023 – Farmer Fran project was born
- 2007
- Farmer Fran was discontinued
- 2018
- Aug, 14th: Prototype without name – that was a 24h test of what I would be able to do with 15 years of experience in GameMaker – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qo1dyjQPrn4
- 2020
- Feb, 8th: I’ve started game, codenamed “Ranch Story“. Initial commit was named
"Farmer Fran, Farmer Fran! Yes Jimmy?"
- Feb, 8th: I’ve started game, codenamed “Ranch Story“. Initial commit was named

- 2021
- Game name was set to “(Yet Another) Ranch Story” as a kind of joke, that it’s another clone of Harvest Moon
- 2022:
- Game was renamed to Farmtastic Life