
On which platforms game will be available?

Initially, it will be:
PC, Steam Deck, Linux, macOS, Android and iOS.
There are plans to release it also on consoles in future:
PS4, PS5, Xbox One, Xbox Series, Switch.

When it will be released?

Game is still in active development and it’s yet not enough done to estimate release date accurately.

What engine is used for development?

GameMaker Engine. It’s my fav engine for 20+ years now, at some point I ever worked for them making small mobile games. It’s great for 2D games, and allows to export game to different platforms with “one click” (including consoles), so, having plans to release on desktops, mobiles and consoles, it sounds like best choice.

Will there be any DLC to game?

Yes and no. Farmtastic Life would offer new features in free updates, so while getting new content would require to download update, all updates will be always FREE.
Number of add-ons would depend on sales and I’m planning to maintain game as long, as there’s at least 1000 sales per quarter.

There’s lot of farming games around, why I should play this one?

Farmtastic Life offers some new features, like difficulty settings or economic system, which may fit much better to your needs. Thanks to those changes game should be more accessible for younger players or those with disabilities (thanks to no time pressure on Zen difficulty), or might be more Challenging thanks to changes in sell prices of items, which means every season is different, and what was profitable previous month, might be not worth too much few weeks later. Also, there are changes in how fast stamina runs out, or how fast you’re befriending townsfolk, and few other differences between Zen, Farming and Challenging difficulties.

There are also other adjustments, like automatic tools (you don’t need to swap them if there’s only one action available, like milking or watering), crops which overlaps to other seasons, map teleporting, part-time jobs, festival mini-games, unlockables achievable only by befriending everyone, and even smelly-meter… which require you to wash at least once per week, or you can loose friends.

Not to say, that hand-drawn graphics make this game look totally different from any other you played in past…

Is this game a clone to Stardew Valley?

While it may look like this, SV was actually clone to Harvest Moon (Story of Seasons) series. My initial plans for making this game started back in 2003, so much much before SV was released, so I would rather say that it was Bokujou Monogatari (HM/SoS series) which was my inspiration – with “Back to Nature/Friends of Mineral Town” and “A Wonderful Life” as my favorite ones.

In which languages it will be released?

Currently game is developed to be released in English and Polish (as during development most of dialogues might change, so there’s no sense in translating it yet), but there plans to support at least typical EFIGS translations (English, French, Italian, German, Spanish). However, I would love to also include at least Korean, Chinese and Japanese, and proper variants of Latin/South America languages, similar to European ones.

If you have other questions, feel free to ping me on twitter.com/FarmtasticGame – I would try to answer (except I would be overwhelmed with questions…).