After successfully introducing few first cutscenes, now it’s time for Quests – as some of them causes special scenes, and some are completed after seeing one of them – so those systems co-exists.

There were few other things finished in recent month.
Fisherman shack building was added, more music, stores interface got complete redesign, some villagers got new names and there’s now distinction between “spouses” and others.
Few Summer and fall vegetables were added, so theoretically there’s something to do in every season. There also changes for upgradeable buildings – now game starts without Chicken Coop and Barn, which need to be built by player.
Stamina system is also working now, and when it runs out, we’re landing at Clinic #classic.

What’s left before having full alpha, and starting a road towards beta?
- Introducing farm buildings and their extensions as quests/cutscenes
- Introducing possibility of marriage
- Planting trees
- Placeable/Decoration items on farm
- Introducing makers for dairy to convert items into cheese, mayonnaise etc.
I wish to have it all ready in May.
I wish.